srijeda, 28. prosinca 2016.

Tisuću noći – E. K. Johnston

Lo-Melkhiin je ubio već tristo djevojaka prije nego je došao u njeno selo, tražeći novu suprugu. Kad primijeti oblak prašine u pustinji, znat će da je stigao. Zna da će uzeti najljepšu djevojku u selu-njenu sestru, no ona mu to neće dopustiti.

Odlučila je da će zauzeti sestrino mjesto pa dolazi u Lo-Melkhiinov ksar, opasno i čarobno mjesto u kojem kipovi imaju nesretne oči, a tkalci izrađuju najfinije svile. Pada noć i ona vjeruje da će smrt nastupiti uskoro. No, prvo sunce izlazi, a ona je još živa. Lo-Melkhiin dolazi u njezine odaje iz noći u noć i sluša priče iz njezina života, i svako jutro ona se budi iznenađena što je još uvijek na životu.

Polako otkrivajući dvor i sve što je okružuje, ona saznaje da Lo-Melkhiin nije oduvijek bio ovakav, nekada je bio pravedan i dobar vladar. Nešto je moralo poći po zlu. I dok joj se ukazuju snažne vizije njene sestre i života koji je ostavila za sobom, shvaća da njezina moć nad Lo-Melkhiinom raste i počinje stvarati veće i snažne čarolije, dovoljno jake da spasi vladara, ako može zaustaviti vladavinu čudovišta.

utorak, 20. prosinca 2016.

Protecting You (McCord Family #1) - Amanda Siegrist

Ava Rainer is on the top of her game. Good life, good job, great friends—especially Detective Jimmy McCord. Not everyone appreciates their friendship, particularly Jimmy's brother Zane. He thinks she's there to tear his family apart, insisting Jimmy's meant to be home in Minnesota, not in New York. She met him once with no desire to meet again. She would do anything for Jimmy. She sadly found out he would do anything for her.

Tragedy strikes, leaving Ava under the depths of despair, struggling to climb her way out. Wishing that Jimmy were there to help her out of her turmoil, she finds herself face-to-face again with Zane in Minnesota. His anger towards her is worse than the last time. She doesn't blame him since he has every right to hate her.

But as the days go by, surprisingly, his attitude starts to change towards her. She discovers the only comfort to her pain comes from him, creating a connection so deep it frightens her. The way her body yearns for his is so wrong, yet feels so right. She can't seem to resist him as her heart begins to heal. Only problem is, he'll never step foot in New York. That's her home. If only she can forgive herself and create a new home, specifically with Zane, if he'll have her.

četvrtak, 1. prosinca 2016.

Gilmore Girls Book Tag!

Pozdrav svima!
Prošli vikend je Netflix emitirao Gilmore Girls: A year in life koji su napisali i producirali originali autori Amy Sherman – Palladino i njen suprug Daniel Palladino. Za sve nas koji smo ostali nezadovljni kako je serija završila prije 9 godina konačno smo imali priliku dobiti dugooekivani završetak sage. O seriji neću govoriti nego sam pronašla prigodni tag koji želim  podijeliti s vama.

četvrtak, 20. listopada 2016.

Hart Broken - Annie Arcane

Mickey Hart doesn’t do one-night stands. Until she wakes up in a luxury penthouse. With nothing but a t-shirt. And no idea who it belongs to.

Enter Cale Windermere. Driven. Ambitious. Successful. And so gorgeous he could've walked straight out of a romance novel...

četvrtak, 13. listopada 2016.

The Perfect Tear - Connie Lansberg

Eleanor is a singer. Her songs keep nature in balance, but when they are stolen from her, a grey mist descends and her world fails to thrive. This timid orphan is thrust into a course of action she never asked for, nor envisioned. Set against a backdrop of abandonment, loss and betrayal, she must find her way through strange and dangerous landscapes in her desperate search for the Perfect Tear, a dark crystal which holds the future of her world. But, Eleanor is no savior. She is a simple girl with strong instincts and she must learn to trust them. Just like the notes of song must connect to create a melody, Eleanor must discover the connections needed to create the harmony required to truly save her world.

ponedjeljak, 10. listopada 2016.

Bad Memories - Douglas Sandlers

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform 
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Format: E-book, 236 pages

They didn't believe John Miller at the asylum that he didn't do it, and they sure as hell didn't believe him when more bodies showed up. Get the book to see if John Miller lives or dies and does he get his life and career back?

srijeda, 5. listopada 2016.

Bez nade - Colleen Hoover

Dvoje mladih ljudi s teškom prošlošću kreće na strastveno, fascinantno putovanje prema otkrivanju pouka o življenju, ljubavi, povjerenju i, iznad svega, moći izlječenja koju može donijeti samo istina.

Sky, učenica četvrte godine srednje škole, upoznaje Deana Holdera, dečka kojega prati glas o promiskuitetnosti ravnoj njezinoj. Već od prvog susreta on je ispunjava stravom, ali ne može ga izbaciti iz misli. U njemu ima nečega što budi uspomene na njezinu duboko nesretnu prošlost, na vrijeme koje se svom silom trudila potisnuti. Iako ga je čvrsto odlučila izbjegavati, njegovo neumoljivo proganjanje i zagonetni osmijeh slome joj moć obrane i između njih nastane sve čvršća veza.

No, Holder cijelo to vrijeme čuva svoje tajne. Kad one budu otkrivene, Sky će se zauvijek promijeniti, a njezino povjerenje prema svijetu moglo i pasti kao žrtva istine…

utorak, 4. listopada 2016.

Nothing is strange - Mike Russell

20 mind-expanding short stories.
Inspiring, liberating, otherworldly, magical, surreal, bizarre, funny, disturbing, unique... all of these words have been used to describe the stories of Mike Russell so put on your top hat, open your third eye and enjoy: Nothing Is Strange

ponedjeljak, 29. kolovoza 2016.

Bout of Books Days 6 & 7!


I was a bit everywhere and I'm not sure when I read what so I decided to make a combined wrap up for Saturday and Sunday.

I finished The Perfect Tear and gave it 5 stars. Also I continued with rereading Seraphina and read 20 pages.

So in total during Bout of Books I read 2 books and 696 pages.

It was a relatively god reading week for me but next time will be better. I really liked it and looking forward joining next one.



subota, 27. kolovoza 2016.

Bout of Books Day 5 Wrap up!

Hi Guys!

How are you? I'm a bit late with my wrap up for Friday, but it's weekend. You know how crazy that can be XD

I haven't really read much on Friday. Only 39 pages of The Perfect Tear but I'm close to finishing it.

So far I have finished 1 book and read in total 486 pages.



petak, 26. kolovoza 2016.

Bout of Books Day 4 Wrap up!

HI Guys!

Thursday was a good reading day. I've read 114 pages of The Perfect Tear and 30 pages of Seraphina. So, yesterday in total I've read 144 pages.
But I again I haven't completed the challenge :(

So far in #boutofbooks I've read  447 pages and finished 1 book. Today is Friday. Perhaps I'll be able to read more :)



četvrtak, 25. kolovoza 2016.

Bout of Books Day 3 Wrap up

Hi guys!

How are you? I'm mad at myself. I'm not being productive at all. Yesterday was not a good day. Not for reading or anything else.

I've continued with The Perfect Tear and read 45 pages.

So far in #boutofbooks read-a-thon I have read 405 pages and finished 1 book.

Also I haven't completed yesterday's challenge. Shame! Shame!



srijeda, 24. kolovoza 2016.

Bout of Books Day 2 Wrap up!

Hi Guys!

 Sorry for late post. I was to tired last night to write anything. Yesterday was not a very reading productive day for me.
I finished Harry Potter and the cursed child and that is pretty much it.  I was to devastated after reading it an ended giving it 3 stars. I'll post full review here next week.

I haven't even done the challenge. Shame! Shame!

Hopefully Day 3 will be better.

Pages read: 120
Books finished: 1(Harry Potter and the Cursed Child)



ponedjeljak, 22. kolovoza 2016.

Bout of Books Day 1 Wrap up!

Hi guys!

It's around 11pm in Croatia while I write this. I won't be doing any more reading today so I can write my wrap up!

I've read 40 pages of Perfect Tear by Connie Lansberg and I'm really loving it. All the way from the start.
I've read 200 pages of Harry Potter and the Cursed child. I don't know what to think about it. I have mixed feelings but I'll wait till the end before I make any conclusions.

Today I did first challenge - Book to movie adaptation.

For more book ranting you can follow on Twitter or Instagram!

That's all folks!



Book to Movie Challenge - Bout of Books

Hi guys!

So Bout of Books read-a-thon has officialy started. It's 6pm in Croatia while I'm writing this post.

Lovely Lori @Writing my own fairytale hosts this challenge nd this is what she said:
"It’s super easy. All I need you to do is share with us your favorite book-to-movie adaptation and your least favorite book-to-movie adaptation. You can give reasons for your answers or just names, it’s really up to you how much you share."

petak, 19. kolovoza 2016.

Bout of Books 17 read-a-thon and my goal

Hi guys!

I'm back and I'll participate in a read-a-thon. It'll be my first read-a-thon ever. Lately I've been reading a lot but I'm still behind my Goodreads challenge so perhaps this will help me.

For those that don't know what Bout of Books is... here you go:  The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 22nd and runs through Sunday, August 28th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 17 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

nedjelja, 31. srpnja 2016.

Sretan rođendan J.K Rowling i Harry Potter!

Dok čekam svoj primjerak 8. Knjige, Harry Potter and the Cursed child, donosim vam nešto vezano uz moj najdraži serijal.Ovaj post sam spremala već neko vrijeme, ali sam odlučila ipak pričekati 31.7. Kad me uhvati kriza u čitanju posegnem za Harryjem. Posljednji razlog posezanja za ovim serijalom bio je Harry Potter pub kviz u organizaciji Algoritma i Studija smijeha. Otvaranjem prve stranice prve knjige sam uvidjela kako sam Harry Potter i kamen mudraca dobila prije 15 godina kao rođendanski poklon. Otvoreno priznajem kako tada nisam znala tko je Harry Potter i nisam ništa znala o zaluđenosti svijeta za ovim dječakom a kamoli da ću i ja postati jedna od njih.
Ovaj post neće biti klasična recenzija knjige nego više osvrt na knjige koje su obilježile moje djetinjstvo.
Svi ste više manje upoznati s radnjom bilo preko knjiga ili filmova pa neću ulaziti u detalje, ali ako se zbilja nikad niste susreli s ovim serijalom odmah najavljujem OPREZ SPOILERS!
Imala sam priliku čitati ove knjige i na engleskom i na hrvatskom jeziku, te iako sam osobno pristaša čitanja knjiga u originalu (ako se radi o jeziku koji razumijete) ovdje dolazi do iznimke. Prvenstveno je to zbog pokojnog Zlatka Crnkovića čije sam prijevode lovila još u srednjoj školi za sve moguće lektire, a uz njega kapa dolje ide i Dubravki Petrović koja je preuzela prijevode 4.-7. knjige. Hvala J.K. Rowling i našim prevoditeljima koji me nisu mogli odvojiti od ovih knjiga bez obzira koliko je sati i na činjenicu kako ujutro imam školu. Tko su ti likovi čije su me pustolovine i priče držale budnom?

četvrtak, 28. srpnja 2016.

Diamond Bonds - Jeff Kish

A kidnapped girl. Nations in conflict. Legends of an ancient kingdom. And one amateur thief finds himself at the center of it all.
Era cares only of surpassing his father's infamy as a master thief - until he stumbles onto a kidnapped girl and promises to return her home. Dreaming of a quick and easy reward, Era and his thieving partner Jem set off to return the girl to her wealthy father. However, when bounty hunters and elemental mercenaries attack to recapture the girl, her claims of ignorance begin to ring hollow. When the girl's own elemental talents are revealed, Era begins to question what else she may be hiding.
As Era fights off foe after foe with his untrained earth shaping skills, the temptation to simply collect the reward on her head sparks an inner conflict between his moral foundation and the future he has always wanted.
In this first book of the Runics series, Jeff Kish delivers fun characters, escalating stakes, and even a hint of romance as this exhilarating novel introduces readers to the unique and marvelous continent of Castuni.

srijeda, 20. srpnja 2016.

Mortal Showdown - Nik Krasno

Mortal Showdown is an action packed thriller sending the reader on a kaleidoscopic race through violence, sex, scamming and anti-scamming, political upheaval and murder.
Michael (Misha) – a Ukrainian oligarch who was rapidly climbing the Forbes rich list, wakes from a coma caused by an assassination attempt and realizes that he's in the thick of a multilayered attack on him and his business empire. Making things even worse - among his numerous adversaries is one of Russia’s most influential strongmen. From rich and powerful, Michael very quickly becomes a fugitive, struggling for survival. Counting on his wits and a handful of loyal associates, he searches for a way to even the score with each of his adversaries and to save his country from the Russian bear’s grasp.
In order to have the slightest chance in a face-off with his prime nemesis, Michael needs to attack head on, undertaking the greatest risk of his entire life. Unfortunately, the dangerous mission goes wrong from the very beginning...

četvrtak, 28. siječnja 2016.

Šišmiš - Jo Nesbo

Mlada Norvežanka, zvijezda televizijskih sapunica, koja je došla u Australiju kako bi radila kao konobarica, pronađena je mrtva na obali ocana. Svi tragovi upućuju na ubojstvo. Harry Hole, detektiv iz policijske uprave u Oslu, odlazi u Sydney da pomogne australskoj policiji u istrazi. Iako mu je namijenjena uloga promatrača, pasivnost Harryu nije u krvi: uključuje se u istragu, a na kraju je u slučaj umiješan i na osobnoj razini jer se zaljubljuje u Birgittu - prijateljicu ubijene djevojke. Njegovo fizičko i duhovno putovanje Australijom sve ga više poveuje s aboridžinskim mitom o čovjeku šišmišu koji za sobom vuče trag smrti. Šišmiš je prvi roman u serijalu o Harryu Holeu, detektivu koji je Nesboa učinio planetarno popularnim. 

utorak, 5. siječnja 2016.

Five Seven Five (The Boy with Words) (Volume 1) - C E Wilson

Take only what can be used. Take only what won’t be missed. The Creators are watching all of us. White Frost lives in a world cloaked in darkness and ignorance. While most people in her society are content to live in fearful peace, White’s cousin brings her words from the mysterious Unknown. Strange collections of written words that tease her that there may be more to the world than candlelight and dank hallways. But when tragedy strikes, White can no longer rely on the words to give her solace. She must discover what lies beyond the only world she’s ever known… no matter the cost. Eventually, White finds her way to the skies and there she discovers that the tantalizing clues of her words are only pale reflections of the massive and wondrous world above. Colors she never thought possible. Blinding light. And an impossible being who may or may not be the Creator of it all. But this information comes at a price White Frost is not sure she can pay. White’s hunger for knowledge proves to be her greatest strength and weakness as she strives to learn more. But as she learns, she has to wonder – is there such a thing as too much information? And what will happen as it brings her closer to a being who could destroy everything she’s ever known? Find out in Five Seven Five, the first book in a two part series entitled The Boy with Words.