četvrtak, 20. listopada 2016.

Hart Broken - Annie Arcane

Mickey Hart doesn’t do one-night stands. Until she wakes up in a luxury penthouse. With nothing but a t-shirt. And no idea who it belongs to.

Enter Cale Windermere. Driven. Ambitious. Successful. And so gorgeous he could've walked straight out of a romance novel...

četvrtak, 13. listopada 2016.

The Perfect Tear - Connie Lansberg

Eleanor is a singer. Her songs keep nature in balance, but when they are stolen from her, a grey mist descends and her world fails to thrive. This timid orphan is thrust into a course of action she never asked for, nor envisioned. Set against a backdrop of abandonment, loss and betrayal, she must find her way through strange and dangerous landscapes in her desperate search for the Perfect Tear, a dark crystal which holds the future of her world. But, Eleanor is no savior. She is a simple girl with strong instincts and she must learn to trust them. Just like the notes of song must connect to create a melody, Eleanor must discover the connections needed to create the harmony required to truly save her world.

ponedjeljak, 10. listopada 2016.

Bad Memories - Douglas Sandlers

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform 
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Format: E-book, 236 pages

They didn't believe John Miller at the asylum that he didn't do it, and they sure as hell didn't believe him when more bodies showed up. Get the book to see if John Miller lives or dies and does he get his life and career back?

srijeda, 5. listopada 2016.

Bez nade - Colleen Hoover

Dvoje mladih ljudi s teškom prošlošću kreće na strastveno, fascinantno putovanje prema otkrivanju pouka o življenju, ljubavi, povjerenju i, iznad svega, moći izlječenja koju može donijeti samo istina.

Sky, učenica četvrte godine srednje škole, upoznaje Deana Holdera, dečka kojega prati glas o promiskuitetnosti ravnoj njezinoj. Već od prvog susreta on je ispunjava stravom, ali ne može ga izbaciti iz misli. U njemu ima nečega što budi uspomene na njezinu duboko nesretnu prošlost, na vrijeme koje se svom silom trudila potisnuti. Iako ga je čvrsto odlučila izbjegavati, njegovo neumoljivo proganjanje i zagonetni osmijeh slome joj moć obrane i između njih nastane sve čvršća veza.

No, Holder cijelo to vrijeme čuva svoje tajne. Kad one budu otkrivene, Sky će se zauvijek promijeniti, a njezino povjerenje prema svijetu moglo i pasti kao žrtva istine…

utorak, 4. listopada 2016.

Nothing is strange - Mike Russell

20 mind-expanding short stories.
Inspiring, liberating, otherworldly, magical, surreal, bizarre, funny, disturbing, unique... all of these words have been used to describe the stories of Mike Russell so put on your top hat, open your third eye and enjoy: Nothing Is Strange