nedjelja, 31. srpnja 2016.

Sretan rođendan J.K Rowling i Harry Potter!

Dok čekam svoj primjerak 8. Knjige, Harry Potter and the Cursed child, donosim vam nešto vezano uz moj najdraži serijal.Ovaj post sam spremala već neko vrijeme, ali sam odlučila ipak pričekati 31.7. Kad me uhvati kriza u čitanju posegnem za Harryjem. Posljednji razlog posezanja za ovim serijalom bio je Harry Potter pub kviz u organizaciji Algoritma i Studija smijeha. Otvaranjem prve stranice prve knjige sam uvidjela kako sam Harry Potter i kamen mudraca dobila prije 15 godina kao rođendanski poklon. Otvoreno priznajem kako tada nisam znala tko je Harry Potter i nisam ništa znala o zaluđenosti svijeta za ovim dječakom a kamoli da ću i ja postati jedna od njih.
Ovaj post neće biti klasična recenzija knjige nego više osvrt na knjige koje su obilježile moje djetinjstvo.
Svi ste više manje upoznati s radnjom bilo preko knjiga ili filmova pa neću ulaziti u detalje, ali ako se zbilja nikad niste susreli s ovim serijalom odmah najavljujem OPREZ SPOILERS!
Imala sam priliku čitati ove knjige i na engleskom i na hrvatskom jeziku, te iako sam osobno pristaša čitanja knjiga u originalu (ako se radi o jeziku koji razumijete) ovdje dolazi do iznimke. Prvenstveno je to zbog pokojnog Zlatka Crnkovića čije sam prijevode lovila još u srednjoj školi za sve moguće lektire, a uz njega kapa dolje ide i Dubravki Petrović koja je preuzela prijevode 4.-7. knjige. Hvala J.K. Rowling i našim prevoditeljima koji me nisu mogli odvojiti od ovih knjiga bez obzira koliko je sati i na činjenicu kako ujutro imam školu. Tko su ti likovi čije su me pustolovine i priče držale budnom?

četvrtak, 28. srpnja 2016.

Diamond Bonds - Jeff Kish

A kidnapped girl. Nations in conflict. Legends of an ancient kingdom. And one amateur thief finds himself at the center of it all.
Era cares only of surpassing his father's infamy as a master thief - until he stumbles onto a kidnapped girl and promises to return her home. Dreaming of a quick and easy reward, Era and his thieving partner Jem set off to return the girl to her wealthy father. However, when bounty hunters and elemental mercenaries attack to recapture the girl, her claims of ignorance begin to ring hollow. When the girl's own elemental talents are revealed, Era begins to question what else she may be hiding.
As Era fights off foe after foe with his untrained earth shaping skills, the temptation to simply collect the reward on her head sparks an inner conflict between his moral foundation and the future he has always wanted.
In this first book of the Runics series, Jeff Kish delivers fun characters, escalating stakes, and even a hint of romance as this exhilarating novel introduces readers to the unique and marvelous continent of Castuni.

srijeda, 20. srpnja 2016.

Mortal Showdown - Nik Krasno

Mortal Showdown is an action packed thriller sending the reader on a kaleidoscopic race through violence, sex, scamming and anti-scamming, political upheaval and murder.
Michael (Misha) – a Ukrainian oligarch who was rapidly climbing the Forbes rich list, wakes from a coma caused by an assassination attempt and realizes that he's in the thick of a multilayered attack on him and his business empire. Making things even worse - among his numerous adversaries is one of Russia’s most influential strongmen. From rich and powerful, Michael very quickly becomes a fugitive, struggling for survival. Counting on his wits and a handful of loyal associates, he searches for a way to even the score with each of his adversaries and to save his country from the Russian bear’s grasp.
In order to have the slightest chance in a face-off with his prime nemesis, Michael needs to attack head on, undertaking the greatest risk of his entire life. Unfortunately, the dangerous mission goes wrong from the very beginning...